Have Your Say

Having your say might be important to you for all sorts of reasons. There are all sorts of different ways of having your say on matters as someone who looks after someone who is unwell or disabled.

1. As an individual carer you have a right to be involved in planning arrangements the impact on your caring role or support for you. If you want support with this then Credu would be delighted to help, just call or e-mail. If you want formal, professional advocacy with health or social services then Dewis is the locally commissioned advocacy service: Advocacy - Powys | DEWIS CENTRE FOR INDEPENDENT LIVING (dewiscil.org.uk) Alternately, you might want to share your views on matters that are important to you. You may want to write to your local council / health board or political representatives. You may well be very confident in this area, but if you would like to talk to someone about it, please do not hesitate to call. Furthermore, you can ask us to be included in any fourth coming consultations.

2. As part of a community, whether on-line or a community of place, you may feel passionately about making a change together, or you may want to contribute to consultations together. You can certainly feed into the Powys Carers Forum – who are always keen to hear from Carers all over Powys
3. Anyone can join the Adult Carers Forum or the Young Carers Forum. These meet regularly, are friendly and love to involve people from all over Powys. At the moment the adult carers forum is really focused on:
raising awareness of Carers and ensuring carers are valued and collaborated with in communities, as well as health, education and social services
Support for caring role to be more manageable
Greater accessibility for loved ones with disabilities
You might feel passionately about these issues or you may want to bring attention to other areas. Either way you will be very welcome.
4. Young / Adult Carers Representative on a range of different strategic boards in Powys and in Wales; some of these include: the Regional Partnership Board (the key board for Health and Social Services), the Credu Board of Trustees and national meetings with Senedd Members and Carers Trust Wales / Carers Trust UK. Carers Wales and Carers UK also have opportunities.
Whatever your interests, just get in touch and we will make introductions. Also if you would love to have training to campaign, be a representative or have a voice in different ways, we would love to hear from you.