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Carers hopes and optimism, things we are inspired by, interested in or concerned about this year.


How positive do you feel about your own health?

The UN has created 17 global goals for sustainable development. We asked you to rank the most important for you?

 70% of you picked Good Health and Well-being as one your top three

 50% of you chose Quality Education

and equally in Third rank of importance to you with 40% choosing Clean Water and Sanitation and Affordable and Clean Energy

What are the most important issues of the day for you? What are you interested in and concerned about? This could be national, local, or personal.

‘Heating my home/keeping room temp above 12 degrees’

‘I am interested in things Locally’

‘Making sure MIL has everything she needs. Paying bills and having food’

‘More awareness and acceptance of children with ALN’

‘whether or not i will be paid enough each month and when are the people that can actually do something about climate change gonna get up and do it cos all our shouting wont do much if they do nothing’

‘Good education suitable for all children regardless of their needs and disabilities’

‘Care staff need to be valued and supported to do a good job. There needs to be accountability for every interaction with Cared for people. Families and Cared for people need to be listened to and action needs to be taken to make sure that conscientious people are rewarded and people who are not doing the job properly are supported to improve or supported to find more suitable employment for their skill set.’

‘To have peace and harmony in the world’

‘Government: The state of national services Inc health and education.’

‘that the Government are not funding our services and NHS to work efficiently People are hungry ,cold and dying in pain !!’

‘Health of myself and family’

‘checking i have nothing scheduled for the evening’

‘Happiness, life is extremely difficult if you’re not happy.’

‘Just to be happy and healthy’

‘The lack of care and support for mentally disabled adults.’

What are you seeing in your community that could inspire you this year? What might you like to start or get involved in?

‘Caru Dolgarrog/Caru Betws have been going for 12months and really inspiring the community and bringing together. Would be good to have the time to be involved professionally/personally’

‘Having regular groups with others in the situation.’

‘Austism support group’

‘the community i live in is very hostile so n/a (i do want to try to learn crochet though)’

‘I've just done The Machynlleth Bridge Run and a lovely person has asked if I would like to join their "Mind" running group. At first I thought that I don't have time because of my Caring role, but on reflection maybe there might be a way.....’

‘Helping people worse off than me’

‘Knit and knatter group’

‘opening a service that the People of the community want mostly run by volunteers we just need collaboration and the Government to fund it with our money !!’

‘Reducing loneliness in all forms.’

‘Rock/bouldering climbing’

‘The community is spending money on the local park. It will be nice to see children playing in the park again.’

‘Climate change and meeting new friends’

Do you have a personal New Year's resolution you would like to share?

'Get to grips with various diagnoses'


'Start attending school more, work on my mental health with camhs'

'Maintain my boundaries so I can work and care and have a Life!'

'To move house'

'Stop smoking'

'enjoy my cared for, the small things in life are make memories, being still and listening for wellbeing :)'

'Be happy, stay positive'

'Make healthier choices'

'do more things outside'

'To speak up instead of sitting back'



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The Waterloo Foundation
Carers Trust Wales Logo

Credu Supporting Young and Adult Carers Limited (previously Powys Carers’ Service Limited) is a registered charity in England and Wales (number 1103712), and a company limited by guarantee (number 04779458).

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