We are really pleased to announce that we have recruited Becky Evans as our new Chief Enabling Officer (CEO). Becky is an experienced, adaptive, strength- based leader who believes that ‘what you focus on grows.’ She has worked within Credu as a Lead Enabler for Powys for the past 5 years and has previously worked in Social Care, Education, Youth Services and run her own business.
She is an experienced trainer and practitioner in Collaborative Communication, strength-based, Outcome Focused work and person-centred practice. Becky won a Social Care Wales Accolades Award for her strength-based work this year, for the way she has embedded this practice into the heart and systems of Credu. Becky is passionate that everyone has value and worth and is looking forward to support Credu to go from strength to strength.
‘It is an absolute privilege to be working alongside the amazing team at Credu to support Carers and to do what matters when it matters. I am really excited to listen to Staff, Carers and Communities to hear how Credu can continue to support each other with kindness and action’
If you’d like to contact Becky, her email address is ceo@credu.cymru
Credu’s main office can be contacted on carers@credu.cymru / 01597 823800.