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Getting a break / manageable caring role / respite

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Being a carer can be rewarding but can also be challenging! Finding ways to keep caring roles manageable and life good can often be found in all sorts of ways.


There are many different ways of keeping a caring role manageable – some are free, other ways need to be paid for by either you or social services.


Keeping a caring role manageable, taking breaks and having respite can mean different things to different people including; finding a that works for you is what matters. You are welcome to call us just to think through your options and think aloud about possibilities.

 These are just some examples; some carers use a mixture of all approaches, some just one:

  • A break

  • Reducing the intensity of the caring role

  • Regular support that enables you to have a life outside of caring

  • Opportunities for the person that you look after, that then gives you a break

  • Getting you help at home to cover care duties during the day or night, so that you can either leave the house, get a full night’s sleep, go shopping, meet friends or go for a walk.

  • Getting you someone to help at home to cover general tasks around the house whilst you concentrate on caring duties.

  • Getting you someone to keep the person you care for company while you go out (sitting or befriending services).

  • Allowing the person you care for to attend activities outside the home.

  • Allowing you to take part in activities outside the home with or without the person you care for.

  • Enabling you to take a holiday, with or without the person you care for.


If you want to try out an approach to getting a break but need to work out how, or you need to have some funding, call Credu on 01597 823800 to discuss your idea. If it is a long term arrangement that needs funding, you will need a Carers Assessment with Social Services but we can help with that too. 

Credu Respite Project

Our Creative Respite Project has helped some families to think about what are the ways that would help their Caring role manageable, to have a meaningful break and a manageable caring role.

Women carring washing Illustration

Even in Lockdown, Carers and Young Carers have thought of ways that they think would really help.

Sometimes it can be something really small and short time – time for a walk, a bubble bath, a book.

Sometimes its come in the form of connections with others, friends, family and other Carers.

In covid, some of these have been on the phone or on a tablet or computer.

Sometimes its keeping the cared for person or other dependents entertained for some time.

Sometimes its enjoying an activity perhaps just for themselves or with their loved ones together.


Sometimes its a piece of equipment that can last for years

Sometimes its learning something new

Sometimes its having someone to help out with tasks to lighten the load.

Sometimes its replacement care and/or support so you can do something else.

Sometimes it has been booking a break or holiday, together or apart, something to look forward to.

Everytime its something that works for you

Image by Thomas Despeyroux

Be imaginative – it's about what would make a difference to you and your family to have a life alongside caring. We want to make the most of the time left and funds available to make a difference!

If you need a little help to get the support to that’s where the Respite Project, funded by the Powys Regional Partnership’s Carers Steering Group have come in, funding Credu to help with either with information, contacts or some money from the Respite Fund.

The support is available to Carers of all ages, Young Carers, Adult Carers & Parent Carers across Powys. For individual families, groups and creating pilot services for Carers.

Please let us know what Credu can do to help with Respite for you & your family for the remainder of the project, which is due to finish in March 2023.

So have a think or give us a call if you’re not sure where to start 01597 823800 or email

Further Information

The Carers Trust Website has information on the following topics:

  • Help with tasks at home such as gardening and cleaning

  • Holidays

  • Paying for respite

  • Sitting and befriending services

  • Understanding social care terminology

  • Care homes

  • Paid help at home, including links to how to employ a personal assistant.

Fun Days illustrations

Carers Trust UK have a Factsheet called , “Taking a Break”, including tips and suggestions for taking a break.

Support from Powys Social Services

Powys County Council’s Respite Policy is here:

Direct Payments - a payment made to you or the cared for person so that you can purchase care, either at home, or somewhere else.

Residential Respite - a room in a residential care home for the cared-for person for a short period of time. This could be in a residential care home, or in one of many other options, such as in supported housing. This type of respite is usually available for up to a fortnight, six times a year.


Replacement Care - care workers paid to provide care for a short period to support the person for whom you usually provide care. This is usually for up to a fortnight.


Shorter Periods of Respite - regular short periods of support from a few hours every week to a few days occasionally through a ‘sitting service’ where the paid care worker will stay with the individual for a few hours on a regular basis, so that you can go about your regular business. 


‘Shared Lives’ – a service where the individual can stay with paid care workers for a short period of time. 

Children’s Short Breaks -  a short break provision for children in Powys. 

The amount of respite care an individual may be offered will depend on their, or their carers’ individually assessed needs and circumstances. The amount of respite will be written down in a formal plan. This plan should aim to ensure that individuals and their carers can carry on with their caring role and support their wellbeing. The plan should be reviewed annually or if there’s a change in your circumstances. Different types of respite will be available for different time periods, but residential respite is usually available for up to a fortnight and up to six times a year.


A leaflet explaining Powys County Council’s Charging Policy for Home Care and other Non-residential Social Services  is here:

Hafal Crossroads (Powys) 

Provides domiciliary care services in individuals’ own homes, as well as respite services for unpaid carers in Powys

Privately Funded Care Workers for Adults 

This is organised independently of social services, it can often be arranged very quickly and you can arrange exactly what you need. It can also be increased or decreased depending on the needs and availability of the care worker. District nurses, local health and social services, third sector organisations and people in your community will know who the local independent care workers or agencies that can deliver this service are.


The individual or their family and friends will make the arrangements; remember to ask how many people they support (if it is more than four, they must be registered with the CIW) and if they’re self-employed, ask for references, DBS check and about their experience.


Many of these independent care workers are well known in the local community. As a guide, the cost is £11 - £15 per hour and a “sleep in” service (where the Carer sleeps in your house overnight and is available if needed) typically costs £75 per night. When you speak to the care worker, you should tell them the ideal times you would like them to visit and what you need (remember some do not provide personal care - this means help with eating, using the toilet, showering & bathing and getting dressed and undressed).

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Credu Supporting Young and Adult Carers Limited (previously Powys Carers’ Service Limited) is a registered charity in England and Wales (number 1103712), and a company limited by guarantee (number 04779458).

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