Support for You
On this page you will find information about
Other Pages with more information on support for you:

Credu is here to support and listen to you about what matters most to you; we are here to provide you with support because you matter too. Our support is completely flexible around what you need and what works best for you:
Things carers discuss with outreach workers is wide and varied but includes:
- Juggling caring with school or work
- Offloading the emotional impact of caring through confidential listening and support or counselling
- Practical solutions to everyday challenges
- Looking after yourself
- Having a life outside of caring and providing opportunities to connect with and meet other people with caring responsibilities
- Understanding the needs of the person you care for
- Information and resources regarding finances and benefits as well as getting support and accessing services
- Running friendly and welcoming young and adult carers groups
- Coordinating activities and trips for young carers, adult carers and for the whole family too!
- Training opportunities
- Volunteering and work experience opportunities
Credu will support any Carer of any age across Powys. It is important that you are supported to be able to do what matters to you, including to continue being a carer. You don’t have to see or think of yourself as a carer or you might be proud to be a young / adult carer.
Everyone‘s situation is different and that’s fine!

Your Wellbeing
Your wellbeing is important! But as a carer you can often be so busy looking after the person you care for that you forget about your own health and wellbeing.
At Credu we can carry out a wellbeing assessment.
This isn’t a Carer’s Assessment (which is carried out by Social Services) but an informal conversation in which we consider your health and wellbeing as a Carer and look at aspects such as:
Sleeping and getting enough rest.
Eating healthily.
Looking after your back.
Dealing with stress.
The flu jab.

This is so we can offer you the right support and information tailored to your individual personal needs. Get in touch to arrange a well-being assessment. You can have this more than once and we encourage you to speak to us whenever there has been a change in your caring role.
The Carer’s Assessment offered by Social Services is for any carer (or someone who is planning to care for someone) where it appears that the carer may have need for support. For more information and where to get further advice click here …link to Level 3 page
Credu also has a free counselling service or alternatively you can talk to your GP.
Further Information
The Carer’s Trust website has information about, “Taking care of yourself”
The NHS website has a breathing exercise for stress.
The Mind website contains information about supporting yourself while caring for someone.
Your Rights as a Carer
You have young/adult carer’s rights if you provide unpaid support or care for a family member, partner, child, or friend because of their age, disability, physical or mental illness, substance misuse or other addiction and who cannot cope without your support. Anyone can be a carer. No matter what their age, gender or background The Equalities Act 2010 means you are protected against discrimination in the workplace for looking after someone who is old or has a disability. Since 2016 in Wales, you have the same rights as people who are cared for.
For more information see:
Luke Clements’ website on the rights of people who experience social exclusion, including disabled people and their carers.

A Guide for Unpaid Carers
Work and Careers
When you take on a caring role, or if your caring responsibilities change, you might need to explore options and make decisions around your work and employment –for example whether to give up your job or to remain. Did you know that many employers offer support for Carers at work and that you could also ask for flexible working?
Carers UK website has details of:
Your rights in work.
Support in work.
Thinking of leaving work?
Thinking of returning to work?
Boosting your skills

Young Carers
If you are a young person who is looking after someone, or if you have a child who is looking after you or someone else in your family, you may want to access support.
Having a caring role, while often being rewarding, can also have an impact on yours or your child’s social life, health and education.
Credu supports Young Carers across Powys. Tel: 01597 823800 Credu Outreach Workers will listen to Young Carers and families and work with you on what is important to you.
Dealing with Bureucracy
In your caring role you may come across certain words and terms that are unfamiliar to you. Here are some of the most commonly used terms. If you don’t understand anything, get in touch with Credu.
If You Get Stuck
An excellent guide for overcoming common problems disabled people and Carers face is published by Cerebra
The Guide also contains some useful templates for letters you may need to write.
Advocacy Support
Sometimes people struggle to say what really matters to them when writing things down and speaking about themselves and their situations. If you would like someone else to support you with this and work together with you then you can call DEWIS CIL. This service is only available for people who are in contact with Social Services. They are an advocacy organisation who are trained to represent you as a Carer. Their contact details are: Telephone: 01597 821333 Website: Dewiscil
General Sources of Support
Credu will support any Carer of any age across Powys.
There are other organisations that you may want to talk to about your situation. Here are some:
There are 12 Community Connectors across Powys. Connectors help people (aged 18+) and their families or Carers to access community-level services and activities to help them to maintain independent lives.
Powys Social Services
There are several different ways you can contact Powys County Council Social Services.
Adults in Powys can contact the council by through ASSIST.
The ASSIST team provide information and advice on a wide range of support for people in Powys who are aged 18 or over.
Telephone: 0345 6027050
Other Social Service Contacts